Thursday, January 18, 2007

Just Somethings I was Thinking About

Recently I have been totally annoyed by a topic that has been beating American over the head for a few months and few little things that I have been reading about in various places. I would like to take this time to address some of those issues/topics.

1. Will or will not Barack Obama run for the 2008 Presidency election? That is the question that all American’s black or white have been asking since the recent elections. I personally believe he is a great candidate for the position; hell he’s better than Hilary Clinton or any other candidate. Hilary straddles the fence on all decision; sometimes you can’t tell if she is a republican or democrat. While Barack Obama clearly states his position on topics eloquently, gaining the support and respect of both Democrats and Republicans.

Many political journalists are saying that he is a good candidate but not right now, he needs more experience in politics on the national level. However, look at our last presidents, both Bush Presidents had ample national political experience and you see where those numbskulls lead us. Ab Lincoln was a president who did not have national political experience prior to his term in the White House and look at the great wonders he brought forth for this country.

When it all boils down to it, Barack Obama has a huge following of young and old, white, black, and Latino followers. I think the others are scared that a black man will get into the White House and straighten out all of the corruption that has repulsively embarked in our nation’s politics and ruin their side hustles, while making some sense of the mess Bush has put our country in. Kudos to Barack, do you thing big boi.

2. African American Greek Organizations protesting “Stomp the Yard,” is a NO NO!
Some Greek organizations feel the movie did not capture the entire essence Black Greek organizations represent. First let me say, I went to see the movie, I am a member of a Black Greek organization, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, and I found the movie quite entertaining.
Secondly, the setting of the movie was at TRUTH UNIVERSITY, have you ever heard of it because I haven’t. Meaning this was a factious movie influenced by black greeks organizations. The name of the main greek organization were even fake. Yes they did show actual Black Greek organizations like, Delta Sigma Theta, Alpha Kappa Alpha, Zeta Phi Beta, Alpha Phi Alpha, Omega Psi Phi, Sigma Gamma Rho, Phi Beta Sigma, and Kappa Alpha Psi. Most of the divine nine made a cameo in the movie. There is scene where it shows prominent black American’s, whom made a difference for our country and their affiliation with the said organizations. Now if you don’t think it is positive to have you organization associated with positive events or persons then I don’t know what you pledged for. I am not going to refer to any more scenes in the movie for the sake of those who have not seen it yet. But I am very appalled that black greeks would not like to have themselves affiliated with something positive or black people in general for that matter. Let try to get away for film that portray black people as hoodlums and uneducated fools.

I am glad the movie came out at the top in its opening weekend; we need to support our black films, especially one that has more lessons to be learned that steps for the next Greek show.

3. This whole Isaiah Washington calling T.R. Knight a fag is killing me. When the incident first happen everyone in the cast was covering it up, downgrading the situations, saying they were a family and nothing like that would even happened. Now, damn near a half a year later, it’s a different story. Did he or did he not call you a fag and why all of a sudden you can’t live with the fact that he called you a fag. The actor T.R. Knight went from saying the statement gave him the courage he needed to openly come out as a gay man and now he wants in apology for the statement that helped him to embrace his new found faggothood. I am confused. If you are going to be gay, love that about yourself and be the best gay person you can be, so that I can love you too.

4. Why is this guy that I dating when I was 16 now starting to come around, saying he is proud of the woman that I have become and he has been thinking about how it would be if we stayed together. Well buddy you are damn near 10 years to late for those thoughts. Should have thought about that when you were making a love child with someone else. I guess men really do think they hold the timetable of life. Someone needs to send them a Memo telling them that no woman waits of any man, because there is a man out there ready and willing to go the extra mile. Well, at least this woman is not waiting for any man to figure out which card his is going to throw in the game. Been there, done that, never again. Stop wishing; you should have learned at the age of 10 that wishes don’t come true.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Stomp The Yard

This weekend I decided to venture out into the cold weather to see “Stomp The Yard.” The “You Got Served” meets “Drumline” flick was much more than I expected. With the all-star cast of complete, absolute, fine black stallions and somewhat a great story line, the movie could not have failed. Starting with the young heartthrob Chris Brown, whom I secretly have an R. Kelly crush on, the young girls in the theater went crazy over this young man’s 5 minutes. Especially the little girl, who cried like here grandmother died when C Bezee died off the movie.

It was great to see young black men in positive roles, instead of gangsters and rappers. This movie now gives a vision to young black boys to contemplate becoming something other than pro ball players and rappers. I especially like the shout out to all of the Black Greeks, with the exception of the Iota’s. (Ya’ll will have to get ya’ll weight up before you all will be able to make a cameo in a movie, at least 30 more years.)

Anyway! Go see the movie. I would like every female on the planet to experience this one scene in the movie where you will not be able to keep your legs closed and all of a sudden you will get a feeling to shout “Thank you Jesus.” It was a pivotal moment, well for me at least.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Young Sluts on the Prowl!!!

This morning I received a phone call from my sister informing me that a female classmate accused my 9-year-old nephew of sexual harassment (totally outside of his character). The parent of the child told the teacher that she could not remember what her child said my nephew was telling her. My sister told me that she ask my nephew what he was telling the girl at school and explained to him what sexual harassment was, even giving examples of the act.

After sitting and letting all that info marinate for a minute, I now find myself completely perturbed by the situation. Not because I worship the ground my nephews walk on, but because a few things in this story just don’t seem quite right. First, if I was a parent of a 9-year-old girl and she came home with allegations that a boy her age was saying sexually explicit things to her, I would remember everything that was said. Secondly, I would want to contact the child’s parent to see what child molestation training camp they are raising him in. Lastly, I wouldn’t wait until a Parent- Teacher conference to tell the teacher, I would want action that night.

The next major thing that perturbs me is; what the hell does a 9-year-old girl or boy know about sexual harassment. Knowing about sexual harassment means you have to know something about the root word “SEX”. My nephew thought sexual harassment was threatening to punch the girl in the face, which is what he should be thinking about girls at the age of 9. Obviously someone is saying way too much around this lil girl. I thought to myself why would this lil girl just blatantly lie like that on my nephew. Then it hit me like a blind man walking into a brick wall, she has a crush on my nephew. I mean why wouldn’t she, after all he is related to me and he is pretty handsome.

However, her having a crush on my very handsome nephew does not give her the right to falsely accuse him of something as serious as sexual harassment. Those allegations can ruin his reputation at the school. Ok may be reputation is a stretch for a 9 year-old, but something should be done about the lil girl and her false allegations.

Every other day on the news you hear about some boy or young man being accused of raped or some other sexual act and today it has become a trend for girls to lie about being raped. I would have hated for this to happen when he got to high school or college. Could you imagine the type of trouble “sexual harassment” allegation could have gotten him into? Look at the Lacrosse players at Duke, that stripper ran those boys through the mud profusely. They almost lost their entire lives, thrown off the team, out of school, and most importantly thrown in prison because she lied about being rape. I definitely think the lil girl owes my nephew an apology and further discipline so she can learn the seriousness of her actions. If the parents ignore this, then they are just setting themselves up for trouble in the future when she becomes the community whore or she tells the school councilor she has been having sex with her father for years. The girl is mentally disturbed, they need to get that under control before it gets out of hand.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Pure idiocy

I am straight tripping on the “I love New York” show on VH1. First, let me say that I could not make it through an entire episode of that tomfoolery. Secondly, why are they really nice looking men who seem to have sense on the show? Clearly, I would like to know what they see in New York’s crazy deranged ass. She has clearly displayed several worldwide outcries of desperation on the tube, including 2 attempts with the Crooked Roach Leg Flava Flav. I mean this hot as mess wrapped up in velvet, had fine ass men with careers in financial investments and banking in line getting retarded elementary nicknames from her and her return of the apes momma.

I am sorry, but the concept of having twenty men or women in competition to get one man/woman is totally beyond my comprehension. I can’t see New York (Tiffany) or Roach Leg (Flava Flav) viewing the man or woman that wins as an equal in a loving relationship. Especially when they have clearly accepted them being with other people openly. I don’t think that it could be a lasting monogamous relationship between two people, without there being some issue of trust. I mean damn, they are with other men/women in your face, what the hell you think they are going to do behind your back.

I think both of these shows are pushing black people back 100 steps. People we need to get it together.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Why Can't I Let Go...

I have been romantically involved with a guy on and off for six years. I would go into all of the gory details of the entire relationship, but I would be typing all day and it wouldn’t highlight the many good times we shared. Anyway, about a year and half ago we started back on our romantic path. Since then we have both found ourselves in separate cities focusing on our careers with different feelings about the situation. I feel that I could focus on my career and be in committed long distance relationship. However, I think he feels differently.

Over the past few months, I have brought up the discussion about us furthering our relationship. He could never come out and say that he is really confused on life and he really does not know what he wants. Instead, he gives me some coped out bullshit about lack of trust and communication. After six years I feel that I need him to be more truthful about his feelings and just tell me that this is not what he wants, instead of making it seem like something is wrong with me.

After taking all of that information in, I found myself in a delirious trench of deep rooted confusion, which brought on questions such as; after 6 years, do I really want to give up, after all that we have been through or do I need to drop this where it is and run like hell? With all of the confusion bombarding my mind daily, I decided to spend a few days with him to sort out my feelings. It was then that I realize if I wanted to walk away from the situation with a shred of decency and self-respect, then it was time to let him go. I had already given him to much, without much reciprocation from him.

Now that I know what is it that I should do, my new problem is; how do I let go? How do you stop wanting to talk to him or hear his voice? How do you completely and totally disconnect from this person? How do I stop thinking that it may be a ruff time for him and maybe he will come around? When do I stop thinking about the good times and emphasize that the bad times inflict more pain than the good times can heal? This is by far one of the hardest things that I have had to do in life and I have no idea of where to begin to let this situation go. If anyone has any advice, comments, or concerns please let me know, because I have exhausted all of my thoughts and ideas on.

Friday, January 5, 2007

Seeking Fulfillment........

2006 was a great year filled with many blessings and memories that will last a lifetime. I managed to complete my dual masters degree program, welcome the birth of another healthy nephew, witnessed the marriage of my first cousin who is like a brother to me, and witnessed the college graduation of my younger brother. These many blessings and accomplishment of the past year is just a small portion of the blessing God has bestowed upon my family and me. 2006 over all was a great year, with just a few minor changes, 2006 would have been perfect. But who really has a perfect year.

This year 2007 can only continue down this wonderful path of greatness for me. I realize that lately since I've moved to Illinois that I have been complaining a lot. Most of the complaints are about my new career and the slow adjustment to the area. Don't get me wrong; I am very happy with the Chicago area and all it has to offer, but there was still something missing. I thought the missing piece to my puzzle of confusion was the lack of extra curricula activities, such as volunteering with non profit groups or kicking with close friend, which is something that I have been involve with for as long as I can remember. I thought volunteering with Big Brother Big Sister and Girl Scouts of America would give me the fulfillment that I needed to shake my unhappiness. However, both organizations required that I live in the state of Illinois for at least 6 months before they would even consider interviewing me as a volunteer.

After all of the searching and contemplating, I found a church to join. It wasn’t until I heard a wonderful message from my pastor, Smokey Norful, which I realize that God has placed me exactly where he wants me to be. If I continue to complain about the situation instead of praying about it then I am totally missing the message God is trying to teach me. My reason for being here is to strengthen myself as a person and I have not been able to do that, because for years I have been placing other people's need before my own. I do believe God wants me to take this time out and focus on me for a change, what makes me happy, what exactly fulfills me and make me who I am. With all of that being said, this year I am taking time out to explore myself and release extra baggage from the pastso I can improve myself as an individual. I will still partake in volunteer work, however I will not allow those activities to totally consume me as it has in the past. My journey to fulfillment will allow me to define what it is that I want to achieve in my career, personal life, love life, and most important my spiritual life. I will keep you all posted on the joys and pains of my journey. Please pray for me throughout my adventure.