Thursday, May 10, 2007

This Weeks Events!

This week has been an incredible week for me so far….

This weekend I was informed that my cousin/sister is engaged to her baby daddy. I am so happy for her and I hope their family last a lifetime filled with many blessings. However, the parental unit and the grandmother joining forces, to yet remind me once again that I am not married, in a serious, nor have any prospects for any of the fore mentioned relations is KILLING ME!!

Ever since I graduated from graduate school last year, my parents (mainly my mother) feels it is time for me settle down and get married. So this engagement has just given her one more reminder that her baby girl is no where near that type of commitment. I have told both my grandmother and mother, that the bible says “He who finds a good woman.” Which means the husband must find his wife, not vice versa. Therefore until the Lord feelings that it is time for my husband and I to meet he will put us in the right place at the right time, until that happens I am happily single and I wish you both would except that. What does that damn grandmother say?…. I bet you not even being nice to those men who approach you, you have to be open for you husband to even approach you. I would tell her that I have been dating a few men, but then she would want to know why I haven’t said anything and when will she meet ‘em, so after that statement I just give up!!!

On another note:
On Tuesday, my fire squad was called out to a fire, which was a burning tracker-trailer. When we arrive at the scene the guy was unconscious in the cab of the burning truck, because we are only trained to fight wildland fires, we are not equipped with the tools of the proper water pressure to contain the fire. We took our hoses out to start spraying the fire and it was like someone was spitting on the fire, that lil bit of water had no effect on the flames. However, the structure trained firefighters did show up, but the flames where raging by that time. I mean you could hear the man screaming for dear life for someone to save him, but no one could get the flames under control so someone could get close enough to the cab before it blew up into pieces.

This was the hardest day of my life. I felt so useless, to watch a man die right before my eyes and not be able to do anything about it. Dealing with not being able to show emotion, because of fear of making myself appear vulnerable to my all male squad, when deep in side I wanted to scream and cry like it was one of my loved ones.

The incident is still weighing heavy on my heart, thinking about the man’s family and friends. The nightmares of his screams. Everyone please pray for me and the man’s family.


Amie Hefley said...

You poor thing... at least you guys were there to do everything you could do... imagine if he'd had no-one there to even try?

And the boys will cry too, it's not a good part of the job, and it's a heavy load for anyone to carry around. So go cry!


Southern_Lady said...

I'm am praying for all of you.

Anonymous said...

Well written article.